SM West Vikings Boys Soccer
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S.M. West Viking Boys Soccer Player/Parent Handbook Fall 2013

Boys’ Soccer Hotline is 993-8071.



Parents and Athletes:


      In an effort to organize the lines of communication and keep them open, we, the soccer staff, would hope that you will take a few moments to look through our student-athlete guidelines.  It is designed to be both informative and honest.

      We, the staff, are most interested and concerned about you as a student, athlete, and person.  Helping you achieve your goals and wanting to assist you in becoming successful is our objective.  Realizing that you have responsibilities and activities outside of soccer, we will do all that we can to help you maintain proper balance in all areas of your life.

      There are some school and team policies which must be in place and of which you should be aware.  They are intended to be positive rather than negative in nature, and are necessary for us to function as a unit.

      Coach John Wooden (UCLA) defines success as “doing the very best you can with the ability that God gave you and then having the peace of mind of knowing you did your best.”  Our staff is here to assist each of you in becoming successful.  These guidelines are not totally comprehensive, but hopefully, it is a positive step in assisting all of us:  players, parents and coaches – in coming together as a unit that will make Shawnee Mission West High School proud and help with the continuing process of building tradition.  Remember:  players play, parents parent, and coaches coach!


Philosophy of the S.M. West Soccer Student Athlete:


High school athletics are used as an avenue to teach, learn, and develop life skills.  Individuals must give of themselves to make a “team” both cohesive and successful.  How a player reacts to both positive, and especially negative situations, usually is a standard for the measurement of both team and individual success.  Players must realize that as a member of the Shawnee Mission West Soccer program, they represent not only the soccer program, but furthermore, their parents, coaches, administration, student body, and the Shawnee Mission School District and community.  This is both a great accomplishment and responsibility.  In addition, the student-athlete must realize all actions on and off the playing field are a direct reflection on the groups stated above.  Act as a proud member of your family, team and school.  Sports are played, coached and watched for enjoyment, therefore, revel in the opportunity in a positive manner so you will be looked upon as a role model.


Grades & Academic Success


         The soccer field is an extension of the classroom. Our players must be student-athletes with academics first. Every player must maintain at least 5 passing grades to be eligible. We expect everyone to work for at minimum an average of a C grade. Athletic participation is a privilege, not a right. Make yourself a better student in the classroom and on the soccer field.

         Any student with at least 1 D or F at Progress Report time will need to have an Eligibility Card every Friday for the remaining weeks of 1st Quarter. It is the student's responsibility and he will not play the following week if his card is not complete and submitted to the Athletic Director, Don Perkins on Friday after school.

         Student-athlete also means permission is granted to meet a teacher for after-school help until 3:20. Athletes should be on the practice field by 3:30 with a written note from the assisting teacher. This should be an exception and not a rule of habit. Our practice time is limited and we need committed athletes along with committed students.




All practices are important.  Student-Athletes must commit to practice and eliminate conflicts.  Practice is necessary for success.  That means DRESSED AND READY TO PRACTICE by the scheduled practice time.  If you are unable to attend, you must notify your coach directly and at least 24 hours prior to the absence.  The voicemail number is: Coach Gordon Wetmore 993-7942 (Coach Anthony Dallen JV/Varsity Assistant and Coach Mike Rhoades C Team/ Varsity Assistant will work daily with Coach Wetmore). The coaches' cell phne numbers and e-mail addresses are found on the Home Page. All messages will be checked by noon each day and messages need to be called prior to this time in order to be considered an excused absence.  Any absence may result in a loss of playing time.  Excused absences may result in a loss of time up to a half per absence. Unexcused absences: First will be loss of 1 game; Second will be loss of 2 games; Third will be dismissal. This is designed not as a punishment for the player absent, but as a reward for the players in attendance.  Exceptions and emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. Improve that life skill of commitment and remember that “Communication is a Contact sport”.




Players will be charged a nominal recovery fee of approximately .50 cents for each item (shoes, bags, jackets, etc.) left behind after practice and games. Double check before you leave the field.


Travel Policy:


Students will ride to and from origination at Antioch Lot.  Student behavior on the bus will be respectful to our purpose as a high school sport.  Students will follow all bus rules and keep themselves in control before and after all games.  All players are required to ride the bus when provided, and all athletes must ride home on the bus, with no exceptions.  Players should always display proper conduct when riding the bus.  We want to represent S.M. West High School in an outstanding and positive manner.


Classroom Conduct:


Each student-athlete should carry themselves as a positive role model in each of their classes.  He will demonstrate leadership, and act as a liaison between faculty and student body to develop good rapport and classroom discipline at all times.  You gain respect from peers and faculty by showing respect to peers and faculty.  I will expect teachers to inform me about your classroom behavior and we may work in cooperation with teachers to through the extracurricular sport of soccer to help student-athletes keep their priorities straight. Student-athletes should not be tardy to class and should meet and exceed classroom expectations.

Each detention received in school can/will result in loss of playing time.  The second detention received in school can/will result in a dismissal for a half of a game, and any other detentions can/will bring a game suspension.  This includes both office and classroom detentions.  It is a player’s responsibility to inform the coach immediately of the detention.  Failure to do so will result in a game suspension.  Saturday school will bring a one game suspension, while OSS/ISS will result in a minimum of a one game suspension.


Game Conduct:


Each student-athlete is a representative of the soccer program, S.M. West High School, your parents, and your community.  Therefore, you will act as a positive role model at all times.


During all games, our players will: respect all calls made by the officials; be positive towards teammates in their comments and criticisms (constructive); be positive towards coaching decisions; and not distract his focus on the game by jeering the opponents’ players or fans at any time.  This applies to all our players and fans alike.  The failure to do will result in an immediate removal from the game or practice.  All red/yellow cards will be reviewed by the coaches for further disciplinary rulings.  Our direct success depends on your game performance.  All concerns or problems should be handled off the field in a private and confidential manner with a coach.


Uniforms and Equipment:


Taking excellent care of all uniforms/equipment checked out to you for the season is vitally important.  You are responsible for turning in all uniforms/equipment at the end of the season.  You must turn in the same uniforms/equipment you were checked out.  You will pay for any uniforms/equipment you do not turn in.  Please take care of the uniforms as if they were your own or even better.  They are expensive and difficult to replace individually. Keep the copy of your checkout.


Come properly suited every day to practice.  Make sure you always wear appropriate-size shin guards (NOCSAE approved-worn within 2 inches of ankle and size appropriate), proper shoes (running shoes, flats, cleats), and proper practice clothes.  YOU CANNOT PRACTICE WITHOUT SHIN GUARDS!(new Rule in games)  Also, no one will wear any part of the uniform to participate with in practices (socks, shorts, shirts, warm-ups!).


Athletic Trainer/ Injuries:


A professional athletic trainer, Megan Hampel(cell 316-648-3397 and of Sports Care, is available to you and it is your responsibility to report all injuries to her and the coach, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.  We want to prevent all injuries. Stretching and proper warm-ups, as well as cool-downs, are important to follow.  Let us know how you are feeling at all times.  If you miss a practice because you are injured or with the trainer, you will not play until you are released by him, or your physician. Megan sends this message,”I am available at the school in the afternoons to look at their child if they have an injury. If further care is needed, I’ll let the athletes and parents know either through a phone call or e-mail. SportsCare will offer the free clinics, usually on Saturday mornings – with more information to come.”


Any injuries sustained during practice, games or otherwise requiring the absence from school will require an injury report filed by the coach through the District. The SM West Nurse, Marilyn Mortimer, will be informed of this report.




Treat your opponent, the officials, the fans, and your team with respect.  Even though an official may have missed a flagrant call or an act of unsportsmanlike conduct, it is most probable the coaching staff has seen the act, and they will react with immediate removal from the game.  Great plays and goals are meant to be celebrated.  Do this as a team for each other, not as a measure to show up the other team. Taunting of anyone is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.


Ball Person (only if we can’t get enough youth help):


All players, except seniors, are required to be a ball person at least once during the season.  JV players will be a ball person for the Varsity, and Varsity for the JV.  We will have a sign-up sheet sometime prior to the first game.  If you cannot make your assigned time, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.  A failure to make your assigned time is the same result as missing a practice. (We may get some help from youth teams, but we will still help!)




The coaching staff does not believe in any form of initiation for freshmen, but we do believe in establishing yourself within the program.  Therefore, freshmen are responsible for carrying and collecting all equipment before and after all practices and games.  A failure to do so will result in some type of disciplinary action probably involving physical conditioning.  




As S.M. West High School Soccer players and staff, we have a positive image to uphold.  Game days should be “special”.  Therefore, we must dress properly whenever the team plays, home or away.  No jeans will be worn and no inappropriate clothing.  Players should always dress with class and style.  Take pride in being a Viking student-athlete.




Any player, manager, or ball person in the bench area should be completely focused on the match.  Players are expected to give positive encouragement to their teammates.  A failure to do the above conveys the message that the player is not prepared to enter the game. No unauthorized person should be in the bench area.




All abusive and vulgar language will be handled by the individual coach.   This will mean some type of physical exercise discipline, in the hopes of breaking this habit at practice.  If the language carries over to match situations, the player will be removed from the game either by the official with a yellow or red card or by the coach.


Game Day Arrival Time (only if no bus is provided):


All players need to be at the game site at least one hour before kickoff, and completely equipped for the match 45 minutes prior to game time.  Failure to do so will result in a minimum of a loss of 20 minutes of playing time.


Daily Equipment ~ Inclement Weather:


All players must bring indoor running shoes everyday in case of inclement weather.  This includes game days.  If a game is canceled, expect to have indoor practice. Check Hotline!




All players must complete the season in good standing with the coaching staff and the school administration to be eligible for a letter.  The season is complete at the end of the last varsity game and up to the banquet.  Illness and injury are the exception.  Players wishing to receive the award (Varsity Letter, JV Numeral, or C Team Certificate) must maintain eligibility and good standing throughout the season, until awards are handed out at the banquet.  They must complete all practice requirements and attend/participate in all games. Varsity Letter Requirements include: strong commitment to practices; the coaches’ agreement of the player’s significant contribution in game competition; being listed on the varsity roster for at least 12 of the 17 to 21 potential games.  LETTERS WILL BE HELD UNTIL ALL EQUIPMENT IS TURNED IN AT THE END OF THE SEASON!  The end of the season includes attendance at the banquet on Nov. 12 in the West cafeteria.